Monday, January 31, 2011

Out with the Old

I'd like to catch up to speed with things I'm working on now...but first I want to be able to show someone this blog and let them see some of my older work as well (only my favorites, of course). So I would like to start with pieces done during my senior year of high school in AP Art. We basically got to roam free and do whatever we wanted as long as we filled the quota by the end of the year! It was fun, and it got very messy.

I transferred from Ohio to Texas senior year, so I had to prove my worth to get into AP Art in the span of the week before school started. So my teacher had me draw bananas. Bananas. Five different bananas in five different materials. My favorite was the watercolor.

Once I was in the class, I played around with charcoal because I'd never used it before. I ended up doing many portraits of people from my class, but the one I always go back to is of my sister, Tori.

Then, I reverted back to my pencil because that's what I liked best, and I drew Tori again, this time with a bit of fantasy.

One day, out of complete boredom, I took some matte board and drew my right hand (because I can do that) and as I was doing so, one of the math teachers came in asking my teacher if there was a student interested in doing a portrait of his daughter for his wife's birthday. I was right there, so I got my first commission piece, and I was $50 richer three days later.

So cute. And yes, her hair really did that in the picture. It's kind of like a duck butt.

Anyways, there's one year of my high school career - the one that mattered - in a tight bundle of joy and happiness for your viewing pleasure.

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